HiPRWind Extraordinary General Assembly held


Brussels 27.03.2015 - The HiPRWind consortium held an Extraordinary General Assembly. 

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HiPRWind completes General Assembly in Frankfurt


Frankfurt, 29 January 2015 - The HiPRWind project completed today its General Assembly meeting. Members  of the HiPRWind consortium and the collaborating Norwegian FlexWT consortium met for two full days at the Frankfurt Airport conference center and reviewed the status and outlook of the project.

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HiPRWind platform construction has restarted


Gijón, Spain - 27 October 2014. The HiPRWind project has restarted the fabrication process of the floating platform following the successful conclusion of the negotiations with the European Commission of the 2nd Amendment to the EU Grant Agreement. Management of the project met today at the headquarters of IDESA, leader of Work Package 2, in Gijón, visiting also the company's manufacturing facilities in nearby Avilés to inspect components of the already part-completed structure. WP2 participants and the new partners industry partners Ingeteam, ALE and Qi Energy took part.

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