Qi Energy Assessment (www.qienergy.es) is a Spanish company dedicated to strategy, assessment and international finances, focused in the European area and in the Public sector. It is composed of engineers, economists and lawyers specialised is the sustainable transportation (electric and hybrid vehicles and its components) and the renewable and efficient energy technologies. QiE provides business models, economic modelling and techno-financial assessment on emerging developments for strategic alliances, competitive intelligence, mergers and technology valuation. It makes models and paves the way from R&D to the markets, overcoming the financial, legal and technical barriers of its clients. Sometimes Qi Energy coordinates complex activities inside projects which require participation of several actors and resources.

The proposed team have almost 20 years in many R&D-based projects along different companies for the energy sector. The founder members of QiE have coordinated  or participated in more than 160 € European projects.  In a previous company they developed a national project for EUFER (Union Fenosa Renewable), consisting in implantation studies for off shore with farms in all the Spanish coast as well as the calculation of the wind energy potential. They also analysed all the entry barriers and the main economic constraints for a huge implantation of the offshore technology.

QiE participates in WP3 and WP9. In general terms its functions are associated to the supervision and coordination of some technically critical tasks avoiding economical deviations which could bring undesirable charges to the project. Specifically, T3.1 Definition of an O&M protocol and the coordination of scheduled maintenance and finally T3.3 Communications with the test platform. QiE will assure that all configurations and protocols will allow a quick and coordinated ulterior actions to implant the solutions proposed always under the estimated budget limits. In WP9, QIE will support the dissemination activities of HiPRwind.


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