Work Package 3. Test platform operation.

The main objective of this WP is to ensure efficient and safe operation and use of the test platform as a tool for
research. The WP, led by TECNALIA, addresses that objective from two different points of view:
• Development of an offshore remote maintenance strategy for the floating prototype. Maintenance should be
condition-dependent and predictive and has to be combined with a long term planning of repair measures.
• Operation and maintenance of the floating prototype, defining access to the platform, identifying and preventing
• Coordination of the requests for doing experiments from the researchers in WP 4 to 7, and ensuring that the
data collected are being stored and organised in a suitable form.

The test platform will be installed at a Norwegian test site near Trondheim, where under the agreement being
set up (as of October 2014), the collaborating FlexWT consortium will assist HiPRWind in providing a subsea
cable for power connection to the grid and communications. This WP will develop the tools and protocols to
coordinate the experiments of the test platform. The data collected will be organized in a database that will
be accessible to all parties of the project and for sharing with the wider research community. Coordination of
test activities will be developed based on plans for experiments in the final application, and closely followed up
ensuring implementation and operation according to schedule.

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