Bureau Veritas

Founded in 1828, Bureau Veritas is the world´s second largest group  in conformity assessment and certification services. Bureau Veritas helps 370000 clients worldwide to improve their performances by offering services and innovative solutions to ensure that their assets, products infrastructure and management systems meet all quality, health and safety, environmental and social responsibility standards and regulations.

Bureau Veritas works in eight different segments covering a complete portfolio of certification and assessment activities: Marine, Industry, International Trade, In service inspection, Construction, Systems certification, Consumer Products, Health and Safety. Over 40000 technical people are working in Bureau Veritas worldwide.

Bureau Veritas has provided certification services on marine structures since 1828. We have a complete set of Rules for offshore floating installations in which all the safety and reliability criteria have been set out for the benefit of the marine assets and the people working on them

In the wind industry Bureau Veritas has an array of references on certification all along the supply chain.

Bureau Veritas is participating on a lot of research wind projects such as Vertiwind, MARINA Platform, Sabella, Fremar, Advocat, Winflo, HLC-AIMS, as well as in the development of new designs for ships intended to erect and maintain marine wind farms,

In HiPRWind, Bureau Veritas will participate in WP1a and provide independent technical support and analysis for verification and certification of the design basis of the project.


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