Successful tow-out of first floating wind installations in Japan

According to news reports, the first of several floating units - a semisubmersible carrying a 2MW wind turbine
and a floating substation - were towed out on Friday 12 July 2013 to the installation area offshore Fukushima.
The turbine is the first of three which will make up the world's first floating wind farm. Once the substation is
on site near the first turbine, they are planned to be tested in September. Two more, larger-capacity turbines
are next planned to join these in 2014 - 2015.


Videos of the tow-out are available for viewing, e.g. via Reuters on


As reported earlier here on, the Japanese floating wind programme is very ambitious.

The HiPRwind team welcomes friendly links with our Japanese colleagues and wish them all success.

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